Qatar Jobs

120 Elite Army Police Forces Jobs in Qatar

To make sure our military base and its occupants are safe, we need a cautious and helpful military police officer. The military police officer is responsible for patrolling the camp’s authorized areas, keeping an eye on personnel and guests as they move around, and detaining anyone who disobeys our rules. You should be prepared to use force if necessary to carry out these and other obligations.

All necessary combat and weaponry skills must be learned in order to succeed as a military police officer. To balance the seriousness of our profession, a great military police officer will have a sense of humor in their free time.

JobArmy Police Officer
Total Seats120
Company3024/RWP , Saif Manpower Services Pakistan
Pay3000 QAR
QualificationEquivalent to a high school certificates.
Submission Last date10/11/2024
Elite Army Police Forces Jobs in Qatar

Duties :

  • Patrolling the building to look for and deal with security violations.
  • Using your experience with firearms and battle to keep our grounds secure.
  • Investigating suspected conduct and taking prompt action to stop it.
  • Keeping intruders and dangerous people in custody until they may be moved, if necessary, to another facility.
  • Transporting dignitaries, government officials, and criminals between stipulated sites.
  • Traveling to foreign countries to establish and protect military bases as necessary.
  • When on duty, dressing appropriately and maintaining visibility.
  • Greeting and communicating with superiors and subordinates appropriately.
  • Fulfilling your tasks while assisting workers, including trained animals.
  • Enforce all relevant federal, state, and municipal laws and ordinances, including those relating to traffic, parking, and infractions of such laws.
  • Coordinate traffic enforcement and traffic safety efforts in close contact with the local traffic police.
  • Do the tasks required to create and keep a safe environment for visitors, staff, and offenders.
  • Apply security access regulations
  • Obtain, maintain, and store uniforms, ammunition, and weapons that are approved.
  • keep thorough records of all assets and proof
  • Respond to every two-way radio
  • Detention officers and deputies should be hired, managed, and disciplined.
  • enhanced neighborhood security and deterrent to crime by prominent enforcement
  • Patrol designated areas and maintain a watchful eye on activities to safeguard people and property.
  • Investigate crimes and apprehend anyone you think could be breaching the law.
  • Watch for and respond to various situations or emergencies
  • Respect rules, guidelines, and protocols.
  • Make initial queries.
  • Gather evidence and ensure that cases are successfully prosecuted.
  • Prepare internal reports and provide feedback on the cases’ progress. Manage the administrative and case documentation procedures.
  • Promote good public relations and interact with local businesses and individuals.
  • Coordinate operations with other emergency services.


  • Equivalent to a high school certificates.
  • All required military training has been completed, including combat and weapons courses.
  • History of strict devotion to the law.
  • Solid understanding of all military regulations.
  • A current drivers license.
  • It is recommended if you can drive military vehicles.
  • Unmatched poise, fortitude, and decision-making skills.
  • Excellent communication skills both in writing and speaking.
  • Availability to travel, if necessary, to other military installations.
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Benefits include

  • High Salary
  • Security
  • Free Medical treeatement
  • Professional Training development courses.
  • Qualities of life.
  • Safety
  • Travel opportunities in a region during off time.
  • Pension and benefits.


  • Excellent interpersonal and communication abilities
  • Strong analytical and problem-solving capabilities Possibility of remaining composed under pressure
  • Ability to function well in a team Organized and focused on the details.

Apply Now for Army Police officer Jobs in Qatar

Phone no : 0515765115.

Fax No : 0515507115

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