Canada Jobs

Exciting High-Demand Beautician Jobs in Canada

We are looking for a beautician to take care of our clients’ cosmetic requirements. A beautician’s responsibilities include recommending skin care treatments, hair removal, and appointment scheduling. You should be familiar with a variety of aesthetic procedures, including facials, manicures, pedicures, hair removal, and hair style. If you can identify your clients’ needs and help them feel good about themselves, we would want to meet with you.

Ultimately, your job will be to ensure that our clients have outstanding cosmetic services and depart satisfied. Depending on their area of expertise, beauticians may go by several names, including esthetician, cosmetologist, hairstylist, and hairdresser.

The main goals of a beautician are to make their clients feel better about themselves and to enhance their physical attractiveness.

Job TypeBeautician
Total Seats02
CompanyLacquered Beauty Bar Ltd.
Pay19  $ CAD Per Hours
CountryEdmonton, AB, Canada
Submission Last Date13/07/2024


The following  beautician responsibilities and duties must to be included in the job description:

  • Upon arrival, greet clients
  • Permanent and temporary hair removal techniques (such as electrolysis and waxing)
  • Style hair with hair products including clay, cream, and serum.
  • Assist clients with pedicures and manicures based on their preferences.
  • Give advice on nail polish and hairstyles based on the needs and preferences of your clients.
  • Apply cosmetics.
  • Give clients instructions on skin care practices; schedule phone appointments; accept walk-ins based on availability;
  • Keep current client records, including contact information and medical history.
  • When appropriate, cross-sell treatments and cosmetics.
  • Ensure that the workspace is tidy and that the tools are always sterilised.
  • Keep an eye on the supply levels of items like lotions and nail paint.
  • Hair cuts, shampooing, coloring, and style in addition to scalp massage and treatment.
  • Putting on makeup, giving facials, and suggesting skincare procedures.
  • Providing nail art, manicures and pedicures, and color advice.
  • Executing hair removal procedures, include electrolysis, laser hair removal, and waxing, that are both temporary and permanent.
  • Recommending standards for individual skincare regimens.
  • Cross-selling cosmetic procedures and items.
  • Scheduling consultations and recording therapies.
  • Maintaining a sterile and clean workspace and tools.
  • Assessing the situation and making sure there are enough supplies.
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  • Proven beautician  experience
  • Familiarity with a range of beautician tools and techniques.
  • Solid experience working as a cosmetologist, beautician, or in a related field
  • Practical knowledge of makeup application and hair removal methods
  • Knowledge of skin care procedures like exfoliation, peeling, and moisturizing
  • Awareness of trends and beauty goods
  • Able to offer individualized services according to the needs of every client
  • A high school certificate
  • A degree in cosmetology, beauty treatment, or a related discipline is advantageous.


  • Outstanding communication and interpersonal skills
  • Strong aptitude for analysis and problem-solving
  • Ability to maintain composure under duress
  • Capacity to work successfully in a group well-organized and detail-oriented

Benefits include

  • High Salary
  • Security
  • Free Medical treatment
  • Professional Training development courses.
  • Qualities of life.
  • Safety
  • Travel opportunities in a region during off time.
  • Pension and benefits

Apply Now for Beautician jobs in Canada.

  • Contact :  Nil.
  • Mail Address : 5211 87 ST NW, EDMONTON, ABT6E 5L5

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