Canada Jobs

Top Best Skilled Carpenter Jobs in Canada Immediate Openings

We are looking for a skilled carpenter with experience in a range of carpentry techniques. Skilled Carpenter will be responsible for the layout, installation, upkeep, finishing, and repair of various structures, fixtures, and buildings. Among the other duties will be designing, cutting, and measuring materials according to the requirements of a client.
A good candidate should be trustworthy, conscientious, and have excellent communication and organizing skills. It is required that you have completed your apprenticeship as a carpenter or have equivalent job experience.

Skilled Carpenter are expert craftspeople who create, assemble, install, and repair wood and other material constructions, such as kitchen cabinets and building frameworks. They operate in a variety of construction fields.

Job Type Skilled Carpenter
Total Seats03
CompanyPR Pomeroy Restoration & Construction (BC) Inc,
Pay30 CAD
CountryCoquitlam, BC, Canada
Submission Last Date17/08/2024
Best Skilled Carpenter Jobs in Canada


The following skilled Carpenter responsibilities and duties must to be included in the job description:

  • The capacity to decipher and read blueprints.
  • Helping supervisors with the planning, installation, layout, and structural design.
  • When necessary, install and fix doors, windows, drywall, cabinets, stairs, and other fixtures.
  • The capacity to evaluate the materials’ and woodwork’s quality.
  • The capacity to operate machinery, tools, and other equipment.
  • Adherence to regional building codes and safety and health standards.
  • Deliver top-notch client support.
  • Capacity to pull, lift, climb, and stand for extended periods of time.
  • Use measurement instruments to create plans that adhere to construction codes.
  • Measure, cut, shape, assemble, and link materials consisting of lightweight steel, wood
  • Replacements, and other materials.
  • Lay subflooring, install floor beams, build foundations, and erect wall and roof systems.
  • Install and fit hardware, mouldings, windows, doors, and stairs
  • Teach trainees
  • Examine sketches and blueprints closely.
  • Carry out measurements
  • Trim, form, and polish the required material.
  • Construct rafters, partitions, doors, and windows, as well as stairways.
  • Assemble and carve kitchen cabinets, drywall, siding, and furnishings.
  • Place items where they belong.
  • Make maintenance and repairs.
  • Make sure that the flooring, roofing, and drywall are arranged level and in harmony.
  • Respects existing safety guidelines and ordinances and keeps the environment tidy and safe.
  • Uses woodworking equipment, hand tools, or power tools to create or repair cabinets, doors, frameworks, flooring, or other wooden building fittings.
  • Assembles and fastens components with hand tools and wood screws, nails, dowel pins, or glue to create frames or props.
  • uses hand tools to remove faulty or damaged structural pieces and sections in order to repair or replace them.
  • Examines wall coverings, woodwork, glass, tile, and ceiling or floor to look for any broken or damaged structures.
  • Carries out assigned jobsite material moves.
  • Removes trash from the job site.


  • Proven Carpentry  experience
  • Familiarity with a range of Carpentry tools and techniques.
  • A high school certificate.
  • The successful completion of an approved apprenticeship program or at least four years of experience as A journey-level carpenter.
  • It could be necessary to obtain further certification.
  • Strong communication abilities.
  • Physically strong and has good motor skills.
  • Understanding of basic mathematics.
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  • Outstanding communication and interpersonal skills
  • strong aptitude for analysis and problem-solving Ability to maintain composure under duress Capacity to work successfully in a group well-organized and detail-oriented

Benefits include

  • High Salary
  • Security
  • Free Medical treatment
  • Professional Training development courses.
  • Qualities of life.
  • Safety
  • Travel opportunities in a region during off time.
  • Pension and benefits

Apply Now for Skilled Carpenter jobs in Canada.

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