Qatar Jobs

High Pay Best Cashier Jobs in Qatar for Foreigners

We are searching for a cashier that can accurately and efficiently handle each customer transaction. Receiving payments, providing receipts, wrapping gifts, and maintaining track of all credit and cash transactions are among the duties performed by a cashier.

You must have prior customer service experience in addition to solid cash register operation skills to succeed in this industry. You should be able to work weekends and evenings on occasion as well.
Overall, you’ll make sure that everything goes as smoothly as possible and support our efforts to increase client satisfaction.

Job Type  Cashier  
Total Seats01
CompanyEmployer (Private Sector)  
QualificationHigh School Diploma
Submission Last Date29/07/2024
High Pay Best Cashier Jobs in Qatar for Foreigners

Duties :

  • Solves amount and salary  problems
  • Utilize cash registers to oversee consumer transactions.
  • Verify the pricing accuracy by scanning the goods.
  • Obtain payment, either by credit or cash.
  • Provide tickets, refunds, change, and receipts.
  • Use coupons and stamps.
  • Introduce new items and cross-sell existing ones.
  • Address client concerns, offer advice and pertinent information
  • Welcome clients as they enter and exit the establishment.
  • Keep checkout areas neat and orderly.
  • Monitor balance sheet transactions and notify any disparities.
  • Box, bag, or presents wrapped
  • Manage exchanges and returns of merchandise
  • Welcoming clients, responding to their inquiries, assisting them in finding what they’re looking for, and offering suggestions or counsel.
    running cash registers, scales, scanners, and other devices.
  • Creating reports for credit and debit sales as well as keeping the cash register balanced.
  • Taking payments, making sure that all costs and amounts are correct, and providing each client with a receipt.
  • Handling exchanges and refunds and addressing grievances.
  • Packaging or bagging purchases to guarantee a secure journey.
  • Adhering to all store policies regarding gift cards, coupons, and the purchase of particular goods, such cigarettes or alcohol.
    keeping one’s desk tidy.
  • Apply Now for Qatar job for teaching


  • Experience working as a retail cashier or in a related sales positio
  • Basic familiarity with PCs and electrical devices, such as cash registers and point-of-sale systems
  • Strong mathematical abilities
  • Excellent interpersonal and time-management abilities
  • focused on client pleasure
  • A high school diploma
  • Experience with accountant or cashier for at least a year
  • Extremely perceptive and analytical
  • Detail-oriented
  • Able to use hand tools well
  • The capacity to comprehend and use fundamental mathematical concepts
  • Troubleshooting and problem-solving
  • Outstanding communication and interpersonal skills
  • Setting priorities and being thorough

Apply Now for Cashier  Jobs in Qatar

  • Phone no : Nil.
  • Fax No : Nil
  • Apply Now click Here

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