UAE Jobs

74 Super Helper Specialist Jobs in UAE

We are looking for a Helper o support our team with its varied duties,. In addition to supporting team members as necessary, the Helper will play a significant part in preserving a tidy, organized, and productive work environment. Depending on the particular demands of the company or department, this position could encompass a variety of tasks.

Job Type  Helpers  
Total Seats74
CompanyShalaan & GL Overseas Employment Promoter
Pay800 Dirham(AED)
Submission Last Date31/12/2024
Super Helper Specialist Jobs in UAE

Duties :

  • Activate and deactivate machinery.
  • Help the factory production process.
  • The production space is tidy.
  • Remove debris and sweep, mop, and clean.
  • Load and unload products from dollys, trolleys, and machineries.
  • Items are fed into or placed on machinery for processing.
  • Oil the machinery.
  • Count and pour the ingredients.
  • Maintain specs compliance.
  • Valve turns control the flow of liquids or gases.
  • Components are combined.
  • Take off the line any equipment that is broken or useless.
  • Parts should be identified by markings.
  • Measure the extruded object’s length.
  • To continue processing, place the equipment on the conveyor belt.
  • Removing the product and any machine parts.
  • Scrape away the machine’s scraps.
  • Gauges must be read and understood.
  • Compile information.
  • Processors should be loaded and unloaded.
  • Deliver finished goods.
  • Fill the machine’s hopper with supplies.
  • obey the guidance of the bosses.
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  • It is desirable if you have prior experience in the same position.
  •  An equivalent degree from high school
  • Knowledge of working with youngsters
  • Flexibility in working hours and days, including Saturdays
  • Ability to lift 35 pounds while standing for the most of the day
  • Competent with hand tools
  • Experience with general helper  for at least a year
  • Detail-oriented
  • Able to use hand tools well
  • Being able to lift 35 pounds.

Apply Now for Helper Jobs in UAE

  • Phone no : 051-111777879,4844411-13,03167995103.
  • Fax No : 021-35880294
  • Email for applying :  [email protected].

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