UK Jobs

Master Welder Artisan Jobs in Poland

A highly skilled welder to join our vibrant team is what our business is searching for. We are looking for a dedicated professional that enjoys taking on new tasks and exceeding client expectations. Interpreting blueprints, watching machinery, and evaluating welded parts will be among your main duties.

You should have in-depth understanding of electrical and welding machinery to succeed in this position. Additionally, the chosen applicant will be exceptionally meticulous and have a steady touch.

A welder, also known as a brazer, is in charge of joining metal pieces together or fixing damage to metal parts using powerful technology that produces intense heat, melting the metal into the desired shape. They must examine designs, cut metal into the proper shape, and smooth molten metal to remove creases, among other tasks.

Jobs Details

Jobs Welder
Total Seats100
CompanyB.M.R. International
Pay1000 (EUR)
Submission Last Date26/09/2024
Master Welder Artisan Jobs in Poland

Duties of Welder

  • Duties and obligations of welders
  • Reading and comprehending the plans before beginning a project
  • Locating the suppliers of the project’s materials
  • Cutting and measuring materials according to standards
  • Combining the metals using the proper ingredients for welding
  • Ensuring that the completed work is within the tolerances indicated on the plans.
  • Plan layouts by analyzing measurements, sketches, and blueprints.
  • Copper pipes, beams, and other components, both tiny and large, can be welded.
  • Use specialized equipment and keep an eye on equipment that performs the same function when industrial welding.
  • Every piece of equipment needs maintenance and upkeep.
  • Examine the welded components, structures, and surfaces to look for errors.
  • Follow and uphold strict safety regulations, such as wearing safety shoes, face shields, and heat-resistant gloves.
  • Verify the equipment’s correct operation and temperature.
  • Welding can be used to fix pieces in flat, vertical, and above positions.
  • Amazing jobs opportunities for international candidates: welder jobs in Poland..


  • A minimum of two years of experience as a welder.
  •  High school graduation or an equivalent are required.
  • It is also preferable to have a current welding certificate or diploma from a recognized university.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication abilities
  • understanding of blueprints
  • understanding of metallurgy
  • knowledge of a variety of welding methods, such as arc, oxy-fuel, TIG, and MIG welding
  • understanding of both manual and mechanized welding methods.
  • How to apply for UK visa ?

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