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Best 50 Skilled Painter Jobs in Romania Europe

We are searching for a competent skilled painter for buildings, other constructions, and interior and exterior surfaces. Because painting well has both practical and aesthetic benefits, your effort will be important.

One of the skills of a skilled painter is choosing the right materials. Their background involves painting in different locations and at different heights using different equipment while following all safety precautions. They need to be incredibly detail-oriented, competent, and dependable in the performance of their duties.
The goal is to provide superior painting services. up order to fill up cracks or apply color to walls and other items around the house, including furniture or doors, painters mix paints according to certain requirements and apply them with brushes or rollers.

Realizing our clients’ dreams will be your job as a skilled painter for our organization. You can alter the outside and interior walls of houses and other buildings by applying paint, plaster, and other materials. In addition to your physical strength, you’ll need a solid understanding of color theory and a variety of instruments to do the task quickly and affordably.


Job TypeSkilled Painter
Total Seats50
Company4859/LHR , China Manpower Services
Pay750 Euro (EUR))
CountryRomania Europe
Submission Last Date14/09/2024
Skilled Painter Jobs in Romania Europe

Duties of skilled painter

The following  Skilled Painter responsibilities and duties must to be included in the job description:

  • Examine surfaces, read instructions or drawings, and decide what kind and how much work has to be done.
  • Assemble scaffolding, cover fittings, and other on-site preparations.
  • Before painting, prepare walls and other surfaces by scraping, sandpapering, removing existing paint, and other methods.
  • Use the proper substance (such as plaster) to fill in gaps and cracks.
  • To get the desired hue or texture, combine paint with additional materials.
  • Use a variety of tools to paint surfaces as directed.
  • Put varnish and other finishing touches on.
  • Compute expenses and bargain for a better deal.
  • Follow through on all safety and health precautions.
  • Picking out the right colors and tools for the job.
  • Preparing surfaces, such as walls, for painting.
  • Combining paints, varnishes, and sealants and applying them for a durable finish.
  • Enveloping exposed surfaces and things.
  • Cracks can be fixed with fillers like plaster and putty.
  • Purchasing goods such as paint and brushes.
  • Respecting safety regulations at work.
  • Cooperating with other experts in building and design.
  • Maintaining a clean workstation and tools.


  • Proven as a Painter experience
  • Shown painting expertise
  • Proficient understanding of painting materials and their proper selection, mixing, and application; strong grasp of commercial and/or
  • Construction painting methods; competence with the necessary tools (brushes, caulking guns, etc.)
  • Solid foundational math abilities
  • Working on scaffolding, ladders, etc. requires manual dexterity and superb balance.
  • Diligent and extremely detail-oriented
  • Diploma from high school; accomplishment of an apprenticeship


Excellent interpersonal and communication abilities

  • Strong analytical and problem-solving capabilities Possibility of remaining composed under pressure
  • Ability to function well in a team Organized and focused on the details
  • Expertise painting both commercial and residential areas.
  • Awareness of all relevant safety and health regulations.
  • Strong organizational and planning abilities.
  • Be mindful of the details.
  • Strong communication abilities.
  • Strong physical attributes and good balance.
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Benefits include

  • High Salary
  • Security
  • Free Medical treatment
  • Professional Training development courses.
  • Qualities of life.
  • Safety
  • Travel opportunities in a region during off time.
  • Pension and benefits

Apply Now For Romania Jobs in Europe

  • Contact : 042-35214361,62.
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