Canada Jobs

Exciting Delivery Driver Jobs in Canada

We need a delivery driver to transport clients in a timely, safe, and comfortable way. A delivery driver duties include scheduling routine auto repair and cleaning, allocating each route according to traffic and road conditions, and handling payment.
Ultimately, your assistance will support our efforts to raise customer satisfaction and ensure that customers rely on us for all of their transportation needs.

In order to be considered for this position, you must have a clean driving record free of moving infractions and a valid driver’s license. You are not required to own a car because drivers are given their own vehicles.

A delivery driver is a qualified individual who moves people in a prompt, safe, and efficient manner. In addition to paying their bills on time and maintaining a clean automobile every week or month, drivers plan their routes based on the condition of the roads.


Job Type Delivery Driver  
Total Seats01
Company Basha Donair
Pay21.50 CAD
CountryLeduc, AB Canada
Submission Last Date12/07/2024
Delivery Driver

Duties Delivery Driver

The following  delivery driver responsibilities and duties must to be included in the job description:

  • Determine the fastest route by planning your driving routes in advance.
  • Pick up customers from the location and at the time they’ve specified
  • Take payments, issue receipts.
  • Help clients with the packing and unpacking process
  • To keep informed about travel conditions, tune in to traffic and weather reports.
  • When necessary, alter the itinerary to avoid congested areas or ongoing work.
  • Respond to inquiries from customers concerning the region and nearby points of interest.
  • Make sure every passenger’s seat in the automobile is tidy and comfortable.
  • Make routine appointments for auto maintenance and report any problems.
  • To keep your car clean on the inside and outside, schedule a car wash and detailing service.
  • Examine trucks and document any problems.
  • Observe the protocols for accidents.
  • Maintain a journal of your hours and activities.
  • Inform the maintenance staff of any mechanical issues.
  • Use a GPS device to plan your journeys.
  • Deliver items to the customer on schedule.
  • Continue to have a cheerful demeanor with consumers.
  • Maintain your commercial driver’s license current.
  • operate and drive a truck.
  • Locate and read location and travel maps; adhere to directions.
  • Check the truck beforehand.
  • Pick up materials and items, check loads for accuracy, and deliver them according to instructions.
  • Pack and unpack freight.
  • In charge of performing routine car maintenance; always adhere to safety procedures, regulations, and guidelines.
  • Finish and ensure accuracy of documentation
  • By taking advantage of educational opportunities,
  •  Reading trade journals,
  • Utilize cars, vans, and small trucks to transport and retrieve a variety of goods.
  • Document all goods that are delivered and received.
  • Transport newspapers and pamphlets to homes and places of business.
  • Fill and empty the cargo
  • Note down travel details, including kilometers driven by the car, fuel expenses, and any issues.
  • Pay for products and accept payment.
  • Deliver client support.
  • Conduct inspections of the vehicle before, during, and after the journey, and supervise all elements of it.
  • Keeping up with personal connections, and joining groups for professionals, one can stay current on employment expertise.
  • you can also apply for receptionist jobs in Canada, Painter jobs in Canada, beautician jobs in canada


  • Proven driver  experience
  • Must pass a test for alcohol and drugs.
  • solid background as a driver
  • A driver’s license that is currently valid
  • A spotless record when driving
  • A minimum of 20/50 visual acuity, or 20/50 corrected
  • Possession of GPS devices
  • Familiarity with nearby streets and roads
  • Capacity to lift bulky parcels and bags
  • Ability to fill in on occasion for night and weekend shifts
  • A demeanor that is kind and professional
  • Ability to maintain composure when driving under pressure, such as during rush hour
  • A certificate from high school
  • A spotless driving record is required.Must present a valid MVR
  • A medical certificate is required.
  • A high school certificate.


  • Strong history as a delivery driver
  • Practical familiarity with electronic gear and software (such as CBs, GPS, and AVL devices)
  • The ability to drive vast distances and travel frequently
  • Extensive knowledge of the rules and legislation pertaining to truck driving
  • No moving or driving-related violations in the past
  • Adaptability and foresight to handle unanticipated events (traffic, weather, etc.)
  • Prepared to provide employment suggestions and subject to drug and background checks
  • A truck driving school diploma and a valid driver’s license
  • Outstanding communication and interpersonal skills
  • Strong analytical and problem-solving capabilities Possibility of remaining composed under pressure
  • Ability to function well in a team Organized and focused on the details

Benefits include

  • High Salary
  • Security
  • Free Medical treatment
  • Professional Training development courses.
  • Qualities of life.
  • Safety
  • Travel opportunities in a region during off time.
  • Pension and benefits

Apply Now For Delivery Driver Jobs in Canada.

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