Canada Jobs

Exciting Full Time Factory Worker Jobs in Canada

We’re looking for a full time Factory Worker   to join our team and improve our warehouse’s production line.

You will not only operate and maintain the equipment, but you will also keep an eye out for any potential issues or hazards. You will transport the equipment and commodities with the use of power tools and forklift trucks. By removing trash and debris, you’ll help keep the building clean and safe. Because you will be carrying heavy goods on a regular basis, this profession requires endurance and strong physical health.

You will be an integral part of the production process as a Full Time Factory Worker   – Light by making sure the machinery runs smoothly and carrying out different duties to assist with the manufacturing process. Your ability to work quickly and with attention to detail will help our production team succeed as a whole.
Let’s meet if you are interested in working at an efficient Factory Worker   and are familiar with these responsibilities.

Job Type  Full Time Factory Worker  
Total Seats02
Company/OEP LicBlack Stones Home Limited
Pay22.50 CAD Hourly.
CountryEdmonton, Ab Canada
Submission Last Date13/07/2024
Exciting Opportunity for Talented Factory Worker in Canada


  • Clear work areas of any dangerous or outdated materials.
  • Help on-site craftsmen such as carpenters, painters, welders, and others.
  • Handle and move tools and materials (like cement) (e.g. drills and grinders)
  • When necessary, use machinery and power tools (such as forklifts) and obey supervisors’ orders when performing manual labor jobs(such as digging or stacking products).
  • Install warning signs for cars and bystanders, such as cones and signposts.
  • Assistance in erecting and moving temporary structures, such as scaffolding
  • Report malfunctioning machinery or dangerous circumstances.
  • Transport, load, and unload building supplies
  • Sort and arrange used resources.
  • Carry out regular maintenance.
  • Clear away debris and rubble at building sites.
  • tend to or restock construction-related machinery and equipment.
  • traffic patterns at or close to building sites.
  • Utilize producing machinery.
  • Restore the equipment in the warehouse.
  • assemble the parts of the machinery
  • Hold goods and supplies.
  • Comply with each manufacturing task’s deadline while working a shift.
  • Report any malfunctioning equipment or goods.
  • Verify inventory levels and notify suppliers of any product or raw material shortages
  • To prevent risks from chemicals and breakable items, keep the work area tidy.
  • When building machinery, read and abide by the manufacturing manuals.
  • Ensure that shipping protocols are followed on time.
  • Using forklift trucks or by hand, move equipment
  • Observe the safety and quality policies set forth by the firm.


It is desirable if you have prior experience in the Full time Factory Worker   position.

  • Capacity to perform the physical tasks required by the work, such as carrying heavy loads up to 40 pounds and standing for extended periods of time.
  • a strong sense of hand-eye coordination
  • Being acquainted with machinery and power tools is advantageous.
  • Teamwork and communication abilities
  • adherence to safety regulations
  • Specialization or apprenticeship are beneficial but not required.
  • An equivalent degree from high school
  • Knowledge of working with youngsters
  • Flexibility in working hours and days, including Saturdays
  • Ability to lift 35 pounds while standing for the most of the day
  • Competent with hand tools
  • Experience with general Labour  for at least a year
  • Detail-oriented
  • Able to use hand tools well
  • Being able to lift 35 pounds.
  • Apply now for beautician jobs in Canada, Factory Worker jobs in Canada, Carpenter jobs in Canada

Apply Now for Full Time Factory Worker Jobs in Canada

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