Canada Jobs

Exciting Receptionist Jobs in Canada

To oversee our front desk and handle many administrative and clerical duties on a daily basis, we are seeking a Receptionist.
In the end, a receptionist’s tasks and obligations include making sure the front desk greets visitors in a friendly manner and completes all administrative work to the highest standards.
A Receptionist is a qualified someone who oversees an organization’s front desk. Typically, they serve as the initial point of contact for clients. In addition, receptionists do a variety of administrative duties.

As a Receptionist, you will serve as our company’s initial point of contact. Providing administrative help to the entire organization is one of our receptionist’s responsibilities. You will greet clients and customers as they enter the establishment. In addition, you will oversee front desk tasks like answering and transferring calls and distributing mail.
Being a receptionist also involves providing customer service, thus having a friendly disposition is essential for success. Along with optimizing office processes, you should also be able to respond to emergencies quickly and effectively. For this role, the ability to multitask and manage stress are crucial. Flexibility is a bonus because this profession may necessitate working shifts.

Job TypeReceptionist
Total Seats02
Ridgeline Power Solutions
Pay18.50 $ CAD
CountryEdmonton, AB
Submission Last Date07/07/2024
Exciting Receptionist Jobs in Canada


The following  Receptionist responsibilities and duties must to be included in the job description:

  • Upon arrival at the workplace, extend a warm greeting to visitors.
  • Show guests the way to the right person and office.
  • Receiving calls: take, hold, and transfer
  • A clean, well-organized reception area with all the required materials and stationery (such as pens, forms, and brochures) should be presentable.
  • In-person and over the phone/email, give clear, basic information.
  • Get daily mail and deliveries, categorize them, and distribute them.
  • Follow safety protocols and use the reception desk to regulate access to the office to maintain security (monitoring the visitor book, issuing badges, etc.).
  • Purchase materials for the front desk and maintain a stock inventory.
  • Revise calendars and set up meetings.
  • Prepare vouchers and make travel and lodging arrangements.
  • Maintain current records of your office’s costs and spending.
  • Do additional secretarial receptionist tasks such photocopying, faxing, filing, and transcribing.
  • Deliver top-notch client support.
  • Capacity to pull, lift, climb, and stand for extended periods of time.
  • Use measurement instruments to create plans that adhere to construction codes.
  • Measure, cut, shape, assemble, and link materials consisting of lightweight steel, wood
  • Replacements, and other materials.
  • Lay subflooring, install floor beams, build foundations, and erect wall and roof systems.
  • Install and fit hardware, mouldings, windows, doors, and stairs
  • Teach trainees
  • Examine sketches and blueprints closely.
  • Carry out measurements
  • Trim, form, and polish the required material.
  • Construct rafters, partitions, doors, and windows, as well as stairways.
  • Assemble and carve kitchen cabinets, drywall, siding, and furnishings.
  • Place items where they belong.
  • Make maintenance and repairs.
  • Carries out assigned jobsite material moves.
  • You can also apply for farmer worker jobs in Canada


  • Proven Receptionist  experience
  • A history of achievement in a front desk, receptionist, or similar rol
  • Acquaintance with the Office Suite from Microsoft
  • Practical familiarity with office equipment, including fax machines and printers
  • Tactful attitude and manner exceptional communication skills both in writing and speaking
  • Proactive and resourceful when issues emerge; exceptional capacity for organization
  • Ability to multitask and manage time, especially the ability to establish priorities
  • Customer-centric perspective
  • A high school degree, with the preference being an additional office management qualification.
  • It could be necessary to obtain further certification.
  • Strong communication abilities.
  • Physically strong and has good motor skills.
  • Understanding of basic mathematics.


  • Outstanding communication and interpersonal skills
  • Strong aptitude for analysis and problem-solving Ability to maintain composure under duress Capacity to work successfully in a group
  • Well-organized and detail-oriented

Benefits include

  • High Salary
  • Security
  • Free Medical treatment
  • Professional Training development courses.
  • Qualities of life.
  • Safety
  • Travel opportunities in a region during off time.
  • Pension and benefits

Apply Now for Receptionist jobs in Canada.

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