UAE Jobs

Reliable Best Waiter staff positions in Dubai

To take orders, fulfill orders, and deliver food and drinks to our patrons, we need a skilled waiter staff.

A well-trained server or waitress enhances the eating experience for patrons. We are searching for a someone with the charm, tenacity, and endurance needed to succeed in this position.

Among the duties of a waiter or waitress are greeting and tending to patrons, explaining menu items in detail, overseeing other front-of-house operations, and collecting checks. We are interested in learning if you can function effectively under pressure. As a waiter or waitress, in order to succeed,

A professional who works in dining and drinking venues such as restaurants, bars, and hotels is known as a waiter or waitress. By offering top-notch customer service, they guarantee that visitors enjoy a wonderful eating experience. In addition to ensuring that the kitchen and dining room are in constant communication, they greet customers and collect dinner orders.


Job Type  Waiter staff(Male/Female can Apply)
Total SeatsMultiple(
CompanyHotel /Restaurant
Pay3500 AED
Submission Last Date13/07/2024
waiter staff


  • Greet and direct customers to their tables
  • When inquiries about portions, ingredients, or potential food allergies occur, specific information should be provided. A menu should also be provided.
  • Prepare tables by setting out tablecloths, silverware, and glasses.
  • Customers should be informed of the day’s specials.
  • When prompted, offer dinner recommendations.
  • Sell more whenever it is practicable to do so.
  • Take exact food and drink orders using a POS ordering program, order forms, or by memory.
  • Before permitting consumers to consume alcohol, check the age on their IDs.
  • Tell the kitchen staff exactly what you would like to order.
  • Complete meal and beverage orders.
  • Make sure your dishes and cookware are tidy and presentable, and let us know if anything looks odd.
  • Delivering checks and gathering cash for payments.
  • Gauges must be read and understood.
  • Compile information.
  • Processors should be loaded and unloaded.
  • Deliver finished goods.
  • Fill the machine’s hopper with supplies.
  • obey the guidance of the bosses.
  • Welcome and lead guests to their tables.
  • Provide the menu and, upon request, give thorough information (such as details on serving sizes, ingredients, or any dietary sensitivity).
  • Arrange linens, cutlery, and glasses to prepare tables.
  • Tell clients of the day’s offerings
  • Make menu suggestions upon request.
  • When applicable, upsell more items.
  • Using a POS ordering software, order slips, or by memory, take precise orders for food and beverages.
  • Verify the identification of the patrons to make sure they are of legal drinking age.
  • Inform the kitchen staff of your order details and deliver food and drink orders.
  • Examine the appearance and cleanliness of the plates and kitchenware, and report any issues.
  • Maintain a clean eating room and set the tables appropriately.
  • Handle checks and gather money for bills.
  • Apply now for factory Worker jobs in Canada


It is desirable if you have prior experience in the same position.

  •  An equivalent degree from high school/Metric
  • Knowledge of working with youngsters
  • Ability to lift 35 pounds while standing for the most of the day
  • Competent with hand tools
  • Experience with general helper  for at least a year
  • Detail-oriented
  • Able to use hand tools well
  • Being able to lift 35 pounds
  • Customer-focused attention and tolerance
  • Excellent presenting abilities
  • Strong organizational and multitasking abilities,
  • With the capacity to work well in a fast-paced workplace.
  • Effective communication and active listening skills.
  • Flexibility to work in shifts and a sense of teamwork

Apply Now for Waiter staff  Jobs in Dubai

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