Canada Jobs

Canada’s Best Farmer Supervisor Jobs: High Pay, Great Benefits!”

We need a farmer supervisor to manage our farming activities. Among a farmer supervisor responsibilities include heavy machinery operation, agricultural labor supervision, and physical labor.

A farmer supervisor must possess a deep love of the great outdoors, be in good physical shape, and be able to operate agricultural machinery. In the end, a great farmer must possess exceptional physical strength, excellent hand-eye coordination, and a strong sense of passion for farming.

Farmer supervisor are in charge of managing farms, ranches, nurseries, greenhouses, and other companies involved in agriculture. Depending on the type of farm, farmers are involved in planting, growing, tending to livestock, managing post-harvest tasks, and supervising farm workers.

Farmer supervisor are responsible for maintaining the overall standards of a ranch or farm. This can entail a lengthy number of tasks, such as harvesting crops, using equipment, and feeding the animals. Farmworkers are typically expected to maintain the irrigation system on the property in order to ensure that the crops and soil receive enough water.

As a farmworker, your job description should specify that you must possess exceptional physical strength and endurance as this kind of labor demands these qualities. Mechanical aptitude and troubleshooting abilities will also come in handy.

Job Type  Farmer supervisor
Total Seats02
Company/OEP LicSantan Estates (NIAGARA) INC
Pay28.50 CAD Hourly.
CountryWeland ,ON, Canada
Submission Last Date03/08/2024
Farmer supervisor

Duties of Farmer.

  • Carrying out manual labor.
  • Doing upkeep on the agricultural property.
  • Utilizing large, heavy machines.
  • Repairing broken machinery and automobiles.
  • Overseeing agricultural operations.
  • Controlling farm laborers.
  • putting together plans for breeding or harvesting.
  • corresponding with customers.
  • Maintain and operate machinery and equipment to keep them operating correctly.
  • Taking care of animals, giving them food and other necessities, and marking them to show who owns them
  • Examine crops to ensure their quality and determine whether irrigation schedules need to be adjusted.
  • Utilizing insecticides, fertilizer, or nutrients to spray can help manage growth and control pests.
  • Fertilize agricultural land and create a vast water infrastructure
  • Utilize a variety of machinery, such as harvesters, tractors, and irrigation equipment, to fulfill role-related duties.
  • When equipment malfunctions, fix it, and execute regular maintenance to find issues early on and prevent them from getting worse.
  • Gather veggies by hand, inspecting each one to make sure it satisfies farm requirements and discarding anything that falls short of that mark.
  • Herd cattle and transport them to a neighboring pasture once a week for grazing; keep a close check to ensure that none of the animals stray.
  • In touch with customers to inform them when a shipment is scheduled for delivery.
  • Once a week, or more frequently if a particular area becomes uninhabitable, clean the animal dwelling spaces.


It is desirable if you have prior experience in the same position.

  • A appropriate farm work certification program must have been completed.
  • Four years or more of prior work experience in an agricultural or farm sector is preferable.
  • outstanding physical health, agility, stamina, and grip power
  • Mechanical knowledge is necessary.
  • Excellent perceptive abilities and a keen eye for detail
  • Experience with general helper  for at least a year
  • Detail-oriented
  • Able to use hand tools well
  • Being able to lift 35 pounds.
  • You can also apply for farmer jobs in Canada. Warehouse workers jobs Canada.Hotel Cashier Jobs in Canada

Apply Now for Farmer Supervisor Jobs in Canada

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