Saudi Arabia Jobs

Experience Best Construction Laborer  Jobs in Saudi Arabia

We are searching for a trustworthy and diligent Construction Laborer to process all incoming and outgoing items in compliance with company regulations. A Construction Laborer duties may include organizing storage spaces to the fullest, clearing out rubbish from the warehouse on a regular basis, and reporting any broken items or machinery to management. Maintaining a safe workplace also requires you to follow the company’s safety procedures at all times. Lastly, a great Construction Laborershould have outstanding time-management, organizational, and communication skills in addition to being able to handle a range of lift machinery securely..

Job Type  Construction Laborer
Total Seats25
Pay1000 Rial (SAR)
CountrySaudia Arabia
Submission Last Date08/10/2024

Duties :.


It is desirable if you have prior experience in the same position.

  •  An equivalent degree from high school
  • Knowledge of working with youngsters
  • Flexibility in working hours and days, including Saturdays
  • Ability to lift 35 pounds while standing for the most of the day
  • Competent with hand tools
  • Experience with general helper  for at least a year
  • Detail-oriented
  • Able to use hand tools well
  • Being able to lift 35 pounds

Apply Now for Construction Laborer  Jobs in Saudi Arabia

  • Phone no : 091-2584034, 0345-9099448, 091-2584034
  • Fax No : ………..
  • Email for applying : [email protected]

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