Canada Jobs

04 Reliable Light Duty Cleaner Jobs in Canada

we are currently hiring for the position of careful Light Duty Cleaner. we are currently hiring. In this position (Light Duty Cleaner), you will be in charge of vacuuming, mopping, dusting, and washing windows. The cleaner should also be able to remove stains from a variety of surfaces.
To succeed as a Light Duty Cleaner, you must be able to finish the tasks assigned to you within the allocated time. Ultimately, a high achiever,should be able to work independently and possess good physical attributes. We swept, mopped, and vacuumed several floor kinds. dusting light fixtures, countertops, ceilings, and saggy furniture. Cleaning and disinfecting cookware, sinks, and toilets is a good idea.


Job Type   Light Duty Cleaner  
Total Seats04
CompanySpring Villa Hotel Ltd
Pay19 CAD
QualificationNo Degree
CountryHarrison Hot Springs, BC, Canada
Submission Last Date16/05/2024
Light Duty Cleaner


  • Cleaning several different types of floors using a vacuum and a mop.
  • Dusting the surfaces, light fixtures, ceiling fans, and any mobile furniture.
  • Toilet, bathroom, and kitchen fixtures all need to be cleaned and sanitized.
  • Taking out the garbage.
  • Window cleaning and drying.
  • You won’t ever run out of cleaning materials if you cooperate with the line manager.
  • Reporting any breaks connected to cleaning.
  • giving the line manager notice that repairs are required.
  • Deliver finished goods.
  • Fill the machine’s hopper with supplies.
  • Obey the guidance of the bosses.
  • Clean, polish, mop, and sweep the floors.
  • Dust off your furniture.
  • Clean upholstered furniture, draperies, area rugs, and carpets with a vacuum.
  • Change the linens and make the beds.
  • Distribute sanitized toiletries and towels.
  • Put together a linen closet.
  • Brush, clean, and sanitize bathroom and kitchen fixtures and appliances.
  • Clean operating rooms as well as other spaces.
  • Elevators should be cleaned and disinfected.
  • Take care of and record lost and found goods.
  • Responses to requests for additional supplies or other items from visitors
  • Clear the area of rubbish and debris.
  • Clean the ceilings, walls, and windows.
  • Tidy showers and locker rooms


It is desirable if you have prior experience in the same position.

  • A high school diploma or anything comparable is advantageous.
  • A track record of success in a comparable role.
  • Capable of using a variety of cleaning chemicals and tools.
  • Ability to endure prolonged standing.
  • Exceptional organizational skills.
  • Able to work independently and complete tasks on time.
  • Willing to work morning hours, weekends, and other times as needed.
  • Competent with hand tools
  • Experience with general helper  for at least a year
  • Detail-oriented
  • Able to use hand tools well
  • Being able to lift 35 pounds
  • Customer-focused attention and tolerance
  • Excellent presenting abilities
  • Strong organizational and multitasking abilities,
  • Effective communication and active listening skills.
  • Flexibility to work in shifts and a sense of teamwork.
  • Apply now immediately for construction helper jobs in Canada, Painter jobs in Europe.

Work environments

  • Quick-paced setting with high pressure to perform
  • Repetitive duties
  • Physically taxing
  • Careful observation Bending, crouching, and kneeling
  • A mix of standing, sitting, and walking
  • Standing for prolonged periods of time

Apply Now for Light Duty Cleaner  Jobs in Canada

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